About Justin

First of all, I’d like to thank you for swinging by my page. If you follow me on social media I’m sure you’ve seen me “live” but I really wanted to take a moment to connect a little bit deeper with my audience and clients. So let me re-introduce myself.
My name is Justin Divine and the work that I offer/ gifts I share are my purposes. Yes, I am a tarot reader but I’m also a survivor. Just like you, I have also faced trials and tribulations in my life that have helped shape and mold me into who I am today. I’m originally from Florida and grew up as an only child raised by my mother who had me at a young age. I had to improvise and grow up incredibly fast which gave me the demeanor as an adult even though I was a child. After schooling, I chose to enlist myself in the United States Marine Corps where I served eight long years for my country. oorah. I learned a lot of disciplinary skills which I do incorporate in my daily routine and my manifestations.
Throughout my life, the obstacles that I have faced have also giving me the ability to be adaptive. Intuitively this helps me guide my clients towards their highest self.
I hope to work with you in the future and connect to get you to living your best life.